Platelet Rich Plasma Vs Stem Cell Therapy


The facts…….

To start with both Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) are regenerative technologies used to assist the body in accelerating and stimulating the healing process of our bodies cells.

PRP is full of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, platelets, antibodies, hormones) and this acts as powerful formulation to assist in restoring and accelerating the bodies natural healing processes when injected into areas of concern. One of the original regenerative medical uses for PRP was in sports medicine to assist with the recovery time for injuries and minimizing inflammation.

The reason for conducting PRP in cosmetic treatments is to create micro wounds within the dermis which triggers collagen production to put it simply. During this process we are delivering plasma into these micro wounds to ensure that the skin heals faster and stronger than it would naturally achieve on its own. Platelets within plasma release growth factors which kick starts the process of repairing damaged tissue and replacing it with new, strong, healthy tissue, (collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and blood vessels).

By completing a course of  PRP treatments (usually 3 treatments over 3 to 4 months) the dermis of the skin will thicken resulting in a more even textured, luminous, and healthy skin; Thus minimizing the appearance of scarring, fine lines, dull and dehydrated skin.

Maintaining results by retreating every 6 months or when it is recommended by your cosmetic specialist is extremely important to reinforce that momentum and positive behaviour of the skin; As naturally with time, age, life style and genetics our cells functions are less efficient and slow down.

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Stem Cell Therapy (SCT)

Stem cells are naturally found in the body (adult stem cells are found in bone, skin, blood) and can be converted to any cell that the body needs to build and  repair itself. Clinically we call this differentiation and specialization of cells.

As we naturally age our number of stem cells declines (which is why the healing process takes longer) which is where stem cell therapy comes into play. In a medical lab stem cells are harvested, generally derived from an unviable embryo or fetal stem cells  and are made into specialized cells by cell biologists and are grown over a period before they can be injected into the damaged/injured/impaired area of the body.

danielle walker